You cannot add R1234YF refrigerant to a R134a system nor can you add R134a refrigerant to a R1234YF system. There is an AC sticker in the engine bay of your 2011 Odyssey that indicates if it requires R134a refrigerant or the newer R1234YF type to do a recharge. What type of refrigerant does a 2011 Honda Odyssey use? Air conditioning systems can vary so it is critical that you check the sticker in the engine bay to determine your Odyssey refrigerant type. Typically the AC recharge kit you buy will have enough capacity to add enough freon to get the AC in your Odyssey to blow cold air. In addition to cooling, freon lubricates the compressor when it runs. When your compressor kicks on, add freon to the correct pressure.

Once you find the 2011 Odyssey AC low pressure port cap, hook up the can of refrigerant to the low pressure port.
How do you recharge AC in a 2011 Honda Odyssey? The low side AC port location is the first thing to find when you are looking for how to put freon in a car. If there is a problem with your compressor or evaporator, adding freon will not restore cooling. The A/C system in your Odyssey consists of a compressor that is belt-driven, an evaporator and freon. It was such a beautiful, warm day that I decided to make videos of the air-conditioning systems i. Most refrigerants include a leak sealer that will seal small leaks in addition to filling the R134a freon. What I say in the beginning of the video should say it all. Recharging the freon in your AC system is an inexpensive and easy first step to restoring the cooling capacity of your A/C system. When the air conditioner in your 2011 Honda Odyssey starts blowing hot air, you likely have a freon leak.